
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

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Description :

Behind Every Good Woman puts you in the passenger seat of the bumpy ride through Teal and Tyrone's loving yet sometimes volatile relationship. One minute every woman envies Teal and only dreams of having an attentive man like Tyrone to cater to her every need. The next minute no woman in her right mind would put up with him for even a day, let alone the seven years Teal has. Teal and Tyrone; T&T definitely stand for dynamite when it comes to the explosive ups, downs, and all-arounds of their love affair. Even with Tyrone's faults and foul acts, there is just something about him that makes him easy for Teal to love and even easier to desire. Will Teal sacrificing her true desires finally reach a breaking point that forces her to break things off with Tyrone...for good this time?

Behind Every Good Woman

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